Tuesday, 25 March 2014


 Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140323 - http://moodysmdd.blogspot.ch/2014/03/140323.html yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

La mobilisation contre le Traité transatlantique monte en puissance - http://www.reporterre.net/spip.php?article5446 useful background to #TTIP/#TAFTA

Computers in the post-Snowden era: choose before paying! - https://fsfe.org/news/2014/news-20140324-01.en.html "an unfettered choice of the operating system" #fsfe

The Secret Deal that Threatens the Food on Your Plate - The Secret Deal that Threatens the Food on Your Plate v short video from @foeeurope on #TTIP's impact on food

US sends special forces to Uganda to hunt for brutal warlord Joseph Kony - http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/24/us-special-forces-uganda-hunt-warlord-joseph-kony oddly, I find myself applauding this...

one for the #denialists: 13 of 14 warmest years on record occurred in 21st century – UN - http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/mar/24/warmest-years-record-un-global-warming this is why it's not just "weather" #statistics

"Wer Geld hat, kauft sich das Ohr der Mächtigen" - http://www.zeit.de/wirtschaft/2014-03/lobbyismus-bruessel-ttip-interview & they call #TTIP "transparent"? give me a break...

Investment in #CETA – A response to a lobby document by DG Trade - http://eu-secretdeals.info/upload/2014/03/S2B-Marc-Maes-CETA-Investment_Response-to-DG-Trade-claims-March-7-2014_v2.pdf good analysis of flawed document (v @CETAWatch)

Yahoo UK Moves To Dublin To Escape Surveillance; UK Asks It To Stay... For The Spies - https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140321/14074826654/yahoo-uk-moves-to-dublin-to-escape-surveillance-uk-asks-it-to-stay-spies.shtml UK is just risible

sheer scale of hybrid journal publishing - http://access.okfn.org/2014/03/24/scale-hybrid-journals-publishing/ outrageous figures: we must kill "hybrid" #oa - it's a rip-off

Freihandel als Bedrohung - http://www.sz-online.de/nachrichten/freihandel-als-bedrohung-2801543.html "#TTIP schützt die Investoren – auf Kosten unserer Standards." (v @mehr_demokratie)

.@PaulbernalUK - My new book: Internet#Privacy Rights - http://paulbernal.wordpress.com/2014/03/24/my-new-book-internet-privacy-rights/ timely (v @Klangable)

America’s Underappreciated Entrepreneur: The Federal Government - http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/24/opinion/americas-underappreciated-entrepreneur-the-federal-government.html good to see the message getting out

analysis of the 5 most worrying proposals of the pharmaceutical industry’s wish list for #TTIP - http://commonsnetwork.eu/ttipbigpharmawishlist/ serious stuff

Mike Rogers Says #Snowden's To Blame For Russian's Aggressive Actions Against Ukraine - https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140323/13360926665/mike-rogers-says-snowdens-to-blame-russians-aggressive-actions-against-ukraine.shtml utterly bonkers

MHRA destroys trial data after 15 years on file - http://www.pharmatimes.com/Article/14-03-24/MHRA_destroys_trial_data_after_15_years_on_file.aspx irresponsible & insane (v @pharmagossip)

#TTIP Update XX - http://blogs.computerworlduk.com/open-enterprise/2014/03/ttip-update-xx/index.htm remember the 3 EU public consultations on #TAFTA? no, me neither #transparency

#BRICS at Hague slam attempts to isolate Putin - http://thebricspost.com/brics-at-hague-slam-attempts-to-isolate-putin/ pretty amazing shift

 A Return to Founders as #Mozilla Moves Forward - https://blog.lizardwrangler.com/2014/03/24/a-return-to-founders-as-mozilla-moves-forward/ the lizard wrangler explains

Ministers defend ban on sending books to prisoners in England and Wales - http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/mar/24/ban-books-prisoners-england-wales-authors yeah, why not make food conditional, too?

"how Inmarsat honed in on missing Malaysian Airlines' plane" - http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/24/flight-mh370-inmarsat-aaib-analysis oh, come on@guardian...

Musician Claims $5.2 BILLION In Damages In #Copyright Infringement Lawsuit Against Apple, Amazon And CDBaby - http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140321/08104126646/musician-claims-52-billion-damages-copyright-infringement-lawsuit-against-apple-amazon-cdbaby.shtml riiight

#TTIP "could help Europe wean itself from reliance on Russian energy supplies" - http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/24/business/international/us-official-lobbies-for-trans-atlantic-trade-pact.html better to boost renewables...

From Health in the UK to Education in Nigeria – Stop Secret Contracts -  http://blog.okfn.org/2014/03/24/from-health-in-the-uk-to-education-in-nigeria-stop-secret-contracts/ - transparency now

What is a trade deal for if it doesn’t even create trade? - http://www.ttip2014.eu/blog-detail/blog/diversion%20of%20trade.html curious: pretty much exactly what I said last week #TTIP

Trading Away Democracy - http://justinvestment.org/2014/03/trading-away-democracy/ "Now is an opportune time for Americans to voice their concerns." #TTIP

New Study Shows Dangers of Trade Agreements that Help Corporations Sue Governments - http://justinvestment.org/2014/03/new-study-shows-dangers-of-trade-agreements-that-help-corporations-sue-governments/ #TTIP #ISDS

Debunking Eight Falsehoods by Pacific Rim Mining / OceanaGold in El Salvador - http://justinvestment.org/2014/03/debunking-eight-falsehoods-by-pacific-rim-mining-oceanagold-in-el-salvador/ "costs of mining" #ISDS

New Report Reveals Environmental Costs of North American Free Trade Agreement - http://justinvestment.org/2014/03/new-report-reveals-environmental-costs-of-north-american-free-trade-agreement/ as we suspected #NAFTA

Investor-State Dispute Settlement (#ISDS) & prospects for reform - http://justinvestment.org/2014/03/investor-state-dispute-settlement-isds-state-of-play-and-prospects-for-reform/ EU Parliamentary Research Service Briefing

Europeans prepare for war against U.S. and Canadian FTAs - http://canadians.org/blog/europeans-prepare-war-against-us-and-canadian-ftas don't overlook #CETA #TTIP

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