Tuesday, 2 September 2014


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140901 - http://moodysmdd.blogspot.de/2014/09/140901.html yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

#OpenStreetMap : le prochain projet libre vraiment indispensable, par Glyn Moody - http://www.framablog.org/index.php/post/2014/09/02/10-ans-openstreetmap (merci pour la traduction...) #osm

British activist braced for Thai defamation trial amid cover-up claims - http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/01/british-activist-andy-hall-thailand-defamation-trial time to start boycotting #thai companies?

Home Office worker investigating Rotherham child abuse 'had data stolen' - http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/sep/01/home-office-rotherham-child-abuse-research-stolen-claim-panorama many heads must roll for this awful affair

Exposed: Lawson’s Climate Denial Donors’ Links to Tobacco and Oil Backed Think Tank - http://desmog.uk/2014/09/02/exposed-lawson-s-climate-denial-donors-links-tobacco-and-oil-backed-think-tank good report, no surprise

Two secret funders of Nigel Lawson’s climate sceptic organisation revealed - http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/sep/02/nigel-lawson-climate-sceptic-organisation-funders #denialists

What would a positive #TTIP look like? - http://www.ttip2014.eu/blog-detail/blog/John%20Hilary%20TTIP.html important analysis, great points #trade

"If European social model is to be sacrificed on altar of free market fundamentalism, then the entire European project becomes meaningless"

The feasibility of transatlantic privacy-protective standards for #surveillance - http://ijlit.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/09/01/ijlit.eau007.full useful review of important area

Charles Koch Personally Founded Group Protecting Oil Industry Hand-Outs, Documents Reveal - http://www.alternet.org/charles-koch-personally-founded-group-protecting-oil-industry-hand-outs-documents-reveal oh, a hypocrite too...

"When 100s of 1000s of people voice opposition to a political plan, that isn’t an attack; it’s called democracy" - http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2014/08/21/public-consultation-or-concentrated-attack-with-ttip-its-all-the-same/

help fight the secret #TTIP with European Citizens Initiative - https://action.sumofus.org/a/eci-ttip/?akid=6677.2714546.4rsXsf&ask=1&rd=1&sub=fwd&t=3 I've just given to aid this EU-wide petition

Whose Century Is It?: #TPP, Food and the “21st-Century Trade Agreement” - http://www.iatp.org/documents/whose-century-is-it-the-trans-pacific-partnership-food-and-the-%E2%80%9C21st-century-trade-agreeme "undermines local control of food"

Alex Salmond apparently thinks #TTIP "especially good news" for #Scotland - http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/a-d411-Is-the-Scottish-NHS-doomed he's clearly never read the EU study

Chinese authorities offer cash to promote interethnic marriages - http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/02/chinese-authorties-cash-inter-ethnic-marriages-uighur-minority a subtle genocide of the #Uyghurs

"UK had never lost an #ISDS tribunal yet" - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/ttip-trade-agreement-critics-driven-by-antiamerican-sentiment-says-minister-lord-livingston-9705331.html 'cos it was against weak nations; in #TTIP, US is oppo - v. different

The public benefits of #TTIP are illusory, while the threats
are all too real - http://www.waronwant.org/campaigns/trade-justice/more/inform/18196-ttip-will-cost-one-million-jobs-official superb 2-pager debunking TTIP claims

Moneyweb vs. Fin24: South African Court to Find Whether News Aggregation Constitutes #Copyright Infringement - http://infojustice.org/archives/33198

A black day for the EU’s climate policy - http://www.euractiv.com/sections/energy/black-day-eus-climate-policy-308155 important analysis: looks bad #renewables

Out in the Open: Hackers Build a Skype That’s Not Controlled by Microsoft - http://www.wired.com/2014/09/tox/ 'cos that's what hackers do (v @Kirst3nF)

Free trade promises, but it’s failed to deliver - http://www.bellinghamherald.com/2014/08/29/3827235_free-trade-promises-but-its-failed.html?rh=1 so let's not fall for it again, eh? #TTIP #TPP #TISA

City Of London Police's Vague, Idiotic Warning To Registrars They're Engaged In Criminal Behavior 'Cos It Says So - https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140830/16241028370/city-london-police-issue-vague-idiotic-warning-to-registrars-that-theyre-engaged-criminal-behavior-because-it-says-so.shtml

#TPP nations to kick off fresh officials meeting in Vietnam - http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/kyodo-news-international/140831/tpp-nations-kick-fresh-officials-meeting-vietnam getting a little repetitive, no?

Japan’s Agriculture Dilemma - http://thediplomat.com/2014/09/japans-agriculture-dilemma/ "agricultural reform is unlikely as its participation in #TPP negotiations flounders"

"#Copyright infringement is theft, pure & simple" - http://torrentfreak.com/uk-govt-warns-google-microsoft-yahoo-over-piracy-140902/ you have just disqualified yourself,@sajidjavid , please resign

#NHS 'at mercy of predatory US healthcare firms' if controversial #TTIP goes through - http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/nhs-at-mercy-predatory-healthcare-4148796 word is getting out

Comments Regarding the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (#TTIP) Environmental review - http://action.sierraclub.org/site/DocServer/TTIP_Scoping_Comments_9.2.pdf?docID=16341 important issues

Blunders By Convicted 'Fast And Furious 6' Cammer Made It Easy To Track Him Down - https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140902/02365228391/blunders-convicted-fast-furious-6-cammer-made-it-easy-to-track-him-down.shtml </facepalm>

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