Tuesday, 3 February 2015


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 150201 - http://moodysmdd.blogspot.de/2015/02/150201.html yesterday's tweets as a single page

Venereal Disease, Taxes, But Not Climate Change: Where Disney Draws The Line On PSAs - http://thinkprogress.org/culture/2015/01/28/3615987/venereal-disease-taxes-not-climate-change-disney-draws-line-psas/ shame (again) on @Disney

"Elog.io sits alongside your browser & gives you an opportunity 2 explore photos that you encounter while browsing" - http://elog.io/faq/

EU, US negotiators mull concrete steps for #TTIP - http://www.euractiv.com/sections/trade-society/eu-us-negotiators-mull-concrete-steps-ttip-311720 IOW, desperate for an agreement, the EU sell-out begins

Syriza-led Greek parliament ‘will never ratify #TTIP’ - http://www.euractiv.com/sections/trade-society/syriza-led-greek-parliament-will-never-ratify-ttip-311719 "hope is coming..."

#Opendata developments in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Dubai - http://theodi.org/blog/open-data-developments-in-saudi-arabia-qatar-and-dubai welcome moves

8th Round of #TTIP: Regulatory cooperation main focus as Commission’s “fresh start” unmatched by US - http://www.ttip2015.eu/blog-detail/blog/TTIP%208th%20round.html good analysis

Encrypted Media Extensions; W3C Editor's Draft 29 January 2015 - https://w3c.github.io/encrypted-media/ utter folly: this will destroy the Web #DRM

Patents Become A Literal 'Get Out Of Jail Early' Card For Chinese Prisoners - https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20150121/09453029771/patents-become-get-out-jail-early-card-chinese-prisoners.shtml hmm #china

#Fracking set to be banned from 40% of England's shale areas - http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/feb/02/fracking-set-to-be-banned-from-40-of-englands-shale-areas getting there slowly...

S&Ds want to speed up #TTIP without giving in on red lines - http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=9e180a6b42ef1eae663a9e517&id=e3aa85eff5&e=78e1c0c8ff "no inclusion of #dataprotection in TTIP; no #ISDS"

.@berndlange on investor protection: "We do not believe that #ISDS is the right tool to achieve this goal between the EU and the US.” #TTIP

A Fresh Start for #TTIP - http://www.ecfr.eu/publications/summary/a_fresh_start_for_ttip330 "aim for a quick conclusion"; "drop more contentious issues such as investor protection"

.@MalmstromEU on "Why #TTIP is good for Germany" - http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2015/february/tradoc_153077.pdf see next few tweets for comments

#TTIP: "We do it because it helps people by creating jobs" - Commission's research shows no job gain; independent research shows 600K loss

#TTIP: "we want to make EU & US car safety regulation more compatible." - car industry is always cited, 'cos others too incompatible

#TTIP: "is not about dismantling government protection" - no, but the new Regulatory co-operation Body is: http://www.computerworlduk.com/blogs/open-enterprise/ttip-update-xlix-3595732/

#TTIP: "EU is world's largest foreign investor and recipient." yes: transatlantic investment is €3.1 trillion: proves #ISDS is not needed

TTIP: Is it good for SMEs? - http://di.dk/SiteCollectionDocuments/Afs%C3%A6tningspolitik/20150122%20-%20BUSINESSEUROPE%20SME%20event%20-%20speech%20by%20Lotte%20Berth%20Riis.pdf this is the new (last-ditch?) plan to save #TTIP: using anecdotes (v @PeterKirkegaard)

Former CIA & NSA Boss: September 11th Gave Me Permission To Reinterpret The 4th Amendment - https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20150201/07575429871/former-cia-nsa-boss-september-11th-allowed-me-to-reinterpret-4th-amendment.shtml just incredible

these stupid old men pushing #Snooperscharter have managed to convince me we need to abolish the House of Lords very soon...

In Memory Of The Liberties Lost In The War on Piracy - http://torrentfreak.com/in-memory-of-the-liberties-lost-in-the-war-on-piracy-150202/ so much lost, for so little gain

.#TTIP: A once in a generation opportunity - http://www.euractiv.com/sections/trade-society/ttip-once-generation-opportunity-311728 says Eli Lilly, using #ISDS to sue Canada for $500m for "expropriation"

here's the reference for Eli Lilly suing Canada for $500million using ISDS - https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20130723/05101823898/eli-lilly-decides-it-was-not-greedy-enough-now-suing-canada-500-million.shtml wants to do same in EU, perhaps #TTIP

'Suppressed' EU report could have banned pesticides worth billions - http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/feb/02/suppressed-eu-report-could-have-banned-pesticides-worth-billions shameful spinelessness by @EU_Commission

.@EU_Commission's refusal to put people before profits, as in previous pesticide tweet, is why nobody trusts it to negotiate #TTIP fairly

End Agribusiness' antibiotics addiction - https://secure.avaaz.org/en/antibiotics_addiction_11/ many people will die unnecessarily if we don't... #EU

Canada's New Anti-Terrorism Legislation Echoes The PATRIOT Act, Expands Spying Powers And Government Reach - https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20150202/09293729882/canadas-new-anti-terrorism-legislation-echoes-patriot-act-expands-spying-powers-government-reach.shtml </sigh>

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