Tuesday, 10 September 2013


 Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130908 - http://bit.ly/1cXBl4C yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

Police in firing line over growing use of #Tasers - http://bit.ly/1ajm0KE militarisation of UK police continues apace, as does abuse

Philipp Missfelder klärt auf: #NSA-Überwachung ist kein Thema der Politik - http://bit.ly/1euTAA5 what an utter moron

Neil Wallis: Why no 6am raids for city execs? - http://bit.ly/1aXlzbM a scandal; #SOCA is a disgrace, should be replaced (v @carmeliteuk)

RT @Europarl_DE Wir leben in harten Zeiten. Aber am Ende des Tunnels ist Licht. Sieh selbst: http://eptwitter.eu/uJ  #teaser #SOTEU>>huh???

South Africa's Draft National IP policy - copyright notes - http://bit.ly/19AjnTK your chance to comment

How to foil #NSA sabotage: use a dead man's switch - http://bit.ly/14yBonx nice, but I can imagine legislation being changed to stop this

Rumour: Xiaomi Mi4 to feature MiOS instead of Android - http://bit.ly/1aXUo0v & so #android's decline begins...

Rumour: Xiaomi Mi4 to feature MiOS instead of Android - http://bit.ly/1aXUo0v & so #android's decline begins...

Swedish spies 'breaking surveillance laws' - http://bit.ly/15LR5sq gosh, imagine that... (v @Asher_Wolf)#se

MT @KatyontheHill Kinda digging this #netneutrality timeline from @publicknowledge http://bit.ly/1aXZpWM >>US-centric, but useful

European Parliament Must Vote (Again) Against #Censorship - http://bit.ly/15QjqXD more problems... #EU

Rousseff: US Visit Hinges on "Political Conditions" after Spying - http://bit.ly/17kOrqx explanations "proven to be false" (v @Asher_Wolf)

short video: What is the #Gagging Law? - http://bit.ly/16eS3uC 2nd big vote tomorrow: pl. contact your MPs if you haven't already

"#TTIP would be ‘welcome boost’ to EU economy" - http://bit.ly/16eSF3t overlooks risks of being forced to push down standards, and #ISDS

Scientists & Experts Assess GM Crops - http://bit.ly/15LVqvs but completely overlook key issues of patents & food chain control (v @boraz)

Feds Had Court Reverse Ban On Warrantless Searches On Americans Because 'We Wanted To Be Able To Do It' - http://bit.ly/15dLUin er, what?

Ortolans' slaughter ignored by French authorities - http://bit.ly/1awIOtU clever: make them extinct, so nobody can enjoy them

S. Korea considering joining #TPP: report - http://bit.ly/17RF9kR really bad time to join: just have to accept what's been agreed...

Police Arrest Alleged Movie Pirate Again, Along With His Brother & Sister - http://bit.ly/18J9Etn sounds like an appalling abuse of power

Man Remodels Internet as One Giant Computer - http://bit.ly/1aYeUy2 sounds interesting; but wasn't java supposed to do this...? #opensource

#NSA Apparently Undermining Standards, Security, Confidence - http://bit.ly/15M6g4C useful reflection from @EdFelten

Latest Leak Shows #NSA Engaging In Economic #Espionage -- Not Fighting Terrorism - http://bit.ly/14G1dNa also: "flying pig" & "hush puppy"

Profile Of NSA Boss General Keith Alexander Reveals: He Wants All The Data, And He Doesn't Care About The Law - http://bit.ly/1ewFkqL awful

#NSA-Spionage: EU-Abgeordnete wollen #Swift-Abkommen aussetzen - http://bit.ly/15K6cfM MEPs "sind wütend"; too right - cancel it now

#Internet, #DerechosHumanos y #ActivismoDigital - http://bit.ly/14GbWHa #peru, esta semana: "dos eventos gratuitos"

The Spooks Need New Ways to Keep Their Secrets Safe - http://bit.ly/15Mn5wq schneier: "classifying everything is not going to work anymore"

(Trying To) Face Down The Evil At TechCrunch Disrupt - http://bit.ly/18PJ54v arrington says he'll give tech CEOs a grilling: we'll see...

#NSA tapping into #SWIFT system: no reason to delay suspension - http://bit.ly/19Bkxyi good to see this call from ALDE (v @CasparBowden)

Video: Making a #RaspberryPi – the full manufacturing process - http://bit.ly/1fRwly7 nice (v @vickeegan)

Johns Hopkins Tells Security Researcher To Remove Blog Post About #NSA #Encryption Attacks From University Server - http://bit.ly/1axiUX8

if you don't think #NSA is engaging in economic espionage, see p 103 of the 2001 #Echelon report - http://bit.ly/15QWhUP (v @omnissystems)

Obama's rogue state tramples over every law it demands others uphold - http://bit.ly/17Ros6K fine, angry piece from @GeorgeMonbiot

John Gilmore On How The #NSA Sabotaged A Key #Security #Standard - http://bit.ly/1861gbd this is how they do it

Obama signs on to three international climate pacts in three days - http://bit.ly/16fGrY7 better late than never.. (v @mattspete @DrRimmer)

#Zimmermann believes that #opensource software is a way out of the backdoor mess - http://bit.ly/1axwycR yup #nsa

Rupee slide: Indian cos like iGate, Hungama Digital opt for #opensource softwares to cut costs - http://bit.ly/16fKXpG great stuff #india

Вести.net: новые откровения #Сноудена, прослушка Обамы, АНБ и шампанское - http://bit.ly/15eMUTf #nsa

 Is OpenSSL's Cryptography Broken? - http://bit.ly/15RhEW4 worth looking into... #nsa

#SWIFT bank data agreement with US must be immediately terminated - http://bit.ly/15eRocP #greens add their voice #nsa

Unreported/Unredacted NSA Slides/Program Names Revealed on Brazil News - http://bit.ly/19BPUsI good work; lots of new names (v @tjmcintyre)

 Internet Intermediary Liability in #Nigeria: New Legislation Threatens Internet Freedom - http://bit.ly/19BReM4 foolish

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