Tuesday, 3 September 2013


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130901 - http://bit.ly/133AkVz yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

Tresorit takes on #PRISM-provoked worries with encrypted cloud storage - http://bit.ly/17CKYWU I predict we'll see lots of this

Drug Agents Use Vast Phone Trove, Eclipsing #NSA's - http://nyti.ms/15OsMr1 liberties suffer from senseless war on drugs

in 2005, US admitted it used the horrific white phosphorus in Iraq - http://bit.ly/1ad8Kea can hardly point finger at #syria (v @asteris)

Trickle‐down technology and why it doesn’t work. - http://bit.ly/17u5BTo interesting point about #opensource and general public

Democratic value? The sale of the edited electoral register - http://bit.ly/17CNlZS in the age of PRISM no longer acceptable #privacy

présidents mexicain et brésilien espionnés - http://bit.ly/19ZR5TF "claire atteinte à la souveraineté de notre pays" (v @JulieOwono)#PRISM

#Yahoo #China Shuts Down Its Web Portal - http://tcrn.ch/17hhTdm #taobao taking over...

#WestPapua: Indigenous leaders forced to sign away land to major food company - http://bit.ly/19ZS7io shameful bullying #indonesia

Deadly Medicines & Organized Crime - http://bit.ly/19bO3uo important book: Gøtzsche a hero in fighting pharma (v  ‏@pharmagossip @MLBrook)

MT @jackschofield Who will be the next Microsoft CEO? #Linus Torvalds is winning the popular vote. From #rms http://nextmicrosoftceo.com >>ha!

Hidden in Paradise: Fascinating, Rare Dolphins and Whales You’ve Never Seen Before - http://bit.ly/19bT2uZ amazing

Documentos da #NSA apontam Dilma #Rousseff como alvo de espionagem - http://glo.bo/172Gl5F (v @wikileaks)#brazil

Regional Court of Munich: no #copyright protection for “sexual intercourse shown in a primitive way” - http://bit.ly/134cSaG so there

Acht Minuten #NSA-Skandal im TV-Duell - http://bit.ly/14SpR0w useful summary of last night's performance #de

Smaller, Better, Faster, Stronger: Remaking government for digital age - http://bit.ly/18l3HTh "#openstandards the default" 4 purchasing

Saharawi fishermen condemn EU-Morocco fishing treaty ‘fraud’ - http://bit.ly/17yThiR doesn't sound good #sustainability

"72% did not think [UK Syria vote] would damage UK-US relationship - & 2/3 said they would not care if it did." - http://bbc.in/1adIoZw

Malay businessmen hand #TPP memo to PM, seek 75 non-negotiable conditions - http://bit.ly/15PDYDv big ones, too (v @DrRimmer @StuJT)#my

quick question: what VPN suppliers do people use/recommend, and why? thanks for any thoughts

Time to stop fighting GMO labeling? - http://bit.ly/15PLC0H interesting argument that labelling would help people accept #GMOs (v @BoraZ)

NSA 'spied on communications' of #Brazil & #Mexico presidents - http://bit.ly/1a0VYvC #snowden is sticking to his russian deal: no comment

It’s a Myth That Entrepreneurs Drive New Technology - http://slate.me/1fuyTSE "4 real innovation, thank the state." important (v @monkchips)

"Drones Poised To Be New Climate Surveillance Workhorses" - http://bit.ly/18xK6xU nicely upbeat story

Chinese Seek Greater Say In UK Nuclear Plants - http://bit.ly/17v0RNk tories will be delighted by this investment in our energy, no?

'Walkie-Talkie' skyscraper melts Jaguar car parts - http://bbc.in/18xYpmc ah, the wonders of concavity (v @JoBrodie @paul_clarke)

Generosity leads to evolutionary success, biologists show - http://bit.ly/15QJuWB why #freesw is taking over (v @swardley)#altruism

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