Monday, 8 April 2013


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130406 - yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

“I’m Back, Bitches”: Busted NinjaVideo Founder Freed From Prison - wonder what she'll do

Help Us Turn People Who Share Files Into Paying Fans! - approach

'Secret law' storm as UK police chiefs ban public from knowing who they arrest - next: disappearances (v @Asher_Wolf)

German Court Finds #Apple's 'Slide To Unlock' #Patent Invalid - should never have been given 

North Korea readies missile launch as fears of a covert cyberwar grow - more cyber-#FUD

ARM says its chips and #Linux will sweep the industry - the tipping point away from Wintel? #opensource

How the biotech industry is gagging the science around genetically modified foods - worrying list of persecution

“It´s about more #copyright, stupid!” - disgraceful railroading from #EuropeanCommission (v @PostActa) 

Criminalizing Documentation of Animal Abuse All the Rage These Days - something to hide, perhaps? #food

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