Saturday, 23 March 2019


Moody’s Microblog Daily Digest’s tweets as a single page

Twin cyclones force largest evacuation since Cyclone Tracey in 1974 - another extreme weather event boosted by #climatechange; when will some people wake up? #australia

Revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU. - petition now at 2.6 million signatures; time to spread the word and get to 3 million this morning… #RevokeArticle50

Australia’s coal bonanza at risk as Chinese import ‘ban’ spreads - now would be a great time to pivot to #renewables, #australia

#Article13 Must Go: No Desperate Last-Minute Witchcraft Can Turn It Into Magic Pixie Dust - urgent: please contact your MEPs - only a couple of days left now

Revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU petition closing in on 3 million signatures rapidly - coming up next - 4 million… #RevokeArticle50

#Article13 Is Not Just Criminally Irresponsible, It’s Irresponsibly Criminal - it will make the EU legal landscape worse, not better

Fix The Gaping Hole At The Heart Of #Article13: Users’ Rights - there is nothing in the #eucopyright directive for 500 miilion EU citizens - except censorship

A Century Ago We Killed The Radio Commons; Don’t Let The EU Do That To The Internet - “The very structure of #Article13 makes this clear. The demand that everything must be “licensed” on internet platforms makes no sense.”

The General Assembly of European Youth adopts anti-#CopyrightDirective motion backed by socialists, conservatives, liberals and green youth organisations - #article13

EU Copyright Directive: The Final Countdown - “Members of the European Parliament have one last chance to oppose the damaging provisions of this reform.” #article13

How Will Article 13 Affect Startups? - “3 example show the SME exemption doesn’t work for startups” pl. send this to your MEPs so they understand #article13 will destroy the EU’s digital startup ecosystem

Donald Trump’s Solar And Wind Power Criticism Slammed By Scientists: ‘Trump Is A Dangerous, Evil Clown’ - #renewables

130 EU businesses sign open letter against Copyright directive Art. 11 & 13 - please send this to your MEPs, explaining how EU economy will be seriously damaged, & that startups don’t want #article13 or #article11

worth noting that on the Brexit Petitions Count - site the remain petition has nearly 90% of the total signatures; the leave petition has barely 10%. fwiw #RevokeArticle50

#Article13: Even Worse Than The US DMCA Takedown System -
#Article13: Making Copyright Unfit For The Digital Age - does the EU really want that?

#Article13: Putting Flawed Upload Filters At The Heart Of The Internet - such a stupid thing to do…

You Wouldn’t Steal A Meme: The Threat From #Article13 - no, memes won’t be banned; yes, they will be blocked on a massive scale…

Disaster In The Making: #Article13 Puts User Rights At A Disadvantage To Corporate Greed - why do this, EU?

#Article11: Driven By Rhetoric, Not By Arithmetic - there’s no money for anyone with article 11 - just look at previous attempts

Why The Copyright Directive Lacks (Artificial) Intelligence - why does the EU want to ensure that the region is never a leader in AI? #article3 #TDM

Martin Kretschmer: “The EU would lose little if it simply rejected the directive” - “Who should Twitter contact to license leaked documents? Who should a platform turn to in order to clear the rights for advertising content from the 1950s?” #article13

The Right To Read Is The Right To Mine - it’s that simple; #article3 contradicts it #TDM

Anti #Article 13 Petition Signed by Five Million People - but they’re just a “mob” according to the European Commission…nice

EU ne bi veliko izgubila, če bi direktivo preprosto zavrnila - #article13 #article11

Upload Filters, Copyright And Magic Pixie Dust - pl. explain to MEPs: #article13 will not work, but will wreak havoc on the EU’s digital world

Secret Cabinet Office document reveals chaotic planning for no-deal #Brexit - surely not? - everything has been going so smoothly until now…

EU Commission Refuses To Explain Why It Published Medium Article Mocking The Public’s Concerns Over #Article13 - something to hide, perhaps?

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