Tuesday, 28 January 2014


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140126 - http://bit.ly/KXghlu yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD + lots of quotes from #snowden

Cameron pledges to rip up green regulations - http://bit.ly/1n5d7vm this many is either a moron or going senile; clearly doesn't understand

re last tweet: if short-term "savings" lead to long-term costs, that's not saving, that's simply socialising costs again

also interesting to note that faithful lapdog @BBC omitted to mention the "red tape" consisted of green regulations: presented purely +ve

Fracking 'should pay £6bn a year tax to compensate 4 climate change' - http://bit.ly/1aBNVty ignoring this makes "benefits" calc worthless

ignoring #fracking's costs makes it a government hand-out, paid for by future generations that have to suffer environment consequences

The truth about Cameron's #fracking fairytale - http://bit.ly/1aBPTtZ good explanation of the economic facts; cameron should read

Bletchley Park's new management chucks out long-term volunteers - http://bit.ly/1ervG5x use them then lose them – lovely

Francia pretende regular a #Youtube como a la televisión - http://bit.ly/1iCizFw part of the global plan to idiotise the Net

Will public trust in the EU be sacrificed to keep agribusiness happy? - http://bit.ly/19X0jDK (warning: may be a rhetorical question...)

full transcript of #snowden's interview yesterday - in German - http://bit.ly/1mNlRU2 (v @jdker @superglaze)#nsa #gchq

#Snowden Interview (ARD) translated into English - http://bit.ly/1f1fgE6 be nice to have original, but thanks for this (v @superglaze)

Japan, US agree to continue cooperation for sealing #TPP - http://bit.ly/1jWu6xv still desperately trying to paint this as nearly done...

Climate spending almost halved under #Paterson - http://bit.ly/1b0JAuA this man is a disgrace & an insult: fire him

Expert group to advise Commission on #TAFTA/#TTIP - http://bit.ly/1jWS77D still using misleading "civil society" term (v @MarietjeSchaake)

#Bayer's CEO: We Develop Drugs For Rich Westerners, Not Poor Indians - http://bit.ly/1bszXod well, honest at least... #generics

#Israel's ambition to become "cyber-security hub" - http://bbc.in/19XgT6H & people will trust their products because...? #backdoors

VyprVPN provider starts using proprietary Chameleon protocol for anonymity - http://bit.ly/1e2rvSF no #opensource code, no trust: simple

#Snowden-Interview: Official English Transcript - http://bit.ly/1aXXcdg video not working, though...? (v @jeffjarvis)

When is Happy Data Protection Day in the EU? - http://bit.ly/1lh2nLT not tomorrow, if that's what you're thinking... #EudataP

IPCC hearing brings UK closer to US polarisation on climate change - http://bit.ly/1n7BjwZ this is an insult to the UK's record on science

Over 550 Groups Urge Opposition to Fast Track [pdf] - http://bit.ly/1aY2wxe impressive #TPP #TAFTA/#TTIP

Foes of Obama Trade Pacts Mostly Fellow Democrats - http://abcn.ws/1cm315g so why can't he take the hint? #TPP #TAFTA/#TTIP

Prince Sues 22 Fans For $1 Million Each For Linking To Bootlegs In Laughably Confused Complaint - http://bit.ly/1cm3HaO pathetic

Powerful Message from Obama’s Base about Fast Track for #TPP: Don’t Even Think About It - http://bit.ly/1e2AOC8

US and UK spy agencies scoop up private data from 'leaky' phone apps - http://bit.ly/1e2Czzg #angrybirds #googlemaps #snowden

"anyone using #GoogleMaps on a smartphone is working in support of a #GCHQ system." - http://bit.ly/1e2Czzg as I feared... #snowden

MT @EU_TTIP_team Negotiator Garcia Bercero discussing the benefits of the deal >>just a short talk, then... #TAFTA/#TTIP

Regulatory rollback: how #TTIP puts the environment at risk [pdf] - http://bit.ly/1hF39Nj forget smooth talking, this is the reality #TAFTA

Make #copyright compatible with the UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - http://bit.ly/19Xsx1g interesting

MT ‏@BertelsmannFdn all #TTIP texts will be public long before they go to legislatures for consideration >> & long after companies see them

True greens should embrace #fracking, says minister - http://bit.ly/1n8iQk0 obvious co-ordinated attacks are obvious...

#gchq's "real-time monitoring of #YouTube, URLs “liked” on #Facebook" & Twitter - without cos. help - http://nbcnews.to/M5VyNi (v @trevortimm)

Hawking’s Blunder on Black Holes Shows Danger of Listening to Scientists, Says Bachmann - http://nyr.kr/1d5gqds (v @SebHenbest @Asher_Wolf)

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