Thursday, 14 February 2019


Moody’s Microblog Daily Digest yesterday’s tweets as a single page

Bavaria campaigners abuzz as bees petition forces farming changes - more initiatives like this needed

Exposure to weed killing products increases risk of cancer by 41% – study - time to sue #monsanto and #bayer into the ground #glyphosate

Final Version of the EU’s Copyright Directive Is the Worst - “filters will subject all communications of every European to interception & arbitrary censorship if a black-box algorithm decides their text, pictures, sounds or videos are a match”

#EU's New ‘Open By Default’ Rules For Data Generated By Public Funding Subverted At The Last Minute - #PSI

“Als Aktionstag ist nun der 23. März geplant. Erste Demonstrationen werden jetzt gerade angemeldet.” - stop #article13

Nein zu Uploadfiltern! - “Die SPÖ-EU Abgeordneten werden gegen das Ergebnis der Verhandlungen über die Copyright-Richtlinie stimmen.” huge news #article13

EU’s Chilling Copyright Crackdown An ‘Attack On #Openness’ - “Open data and content must be freely used, modified, and shared by anyone, and this move goes against that principle.”

“Britain has received demands to roll back its human rights standards in exchange for progress on post-Brexit trade deals” - fox is desperate, of course he’ll agree; #brexit lowering our standards, just as we warned…

New #AI fake text generator may be too dangerous to release, say creators - won’t work, chaps: if you can do it, others can - not least because you just told them it’s possible…

YouTuber wollen gegen #Artikel13 auf die Straße gehen - Es gehe “nicht um ‘Filtern’, wie das von Unterstützern rechtsfreier Räume im Internet propagiert wird.” yes it does: here’s why -

Backing a Tory Brexit could wipe out Labour, warns Clive Lewis - could? Could???

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