Tuesday, 29 April 2014


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140428 - http://moodysmdd.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/140428.html yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

#OpenSource Seed Initiative: 'Free The Seed!' - http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140424/03132327013/open-source-seed-initiative-free-seed.shtml potentially important initiative - if it gets enough backing

Tempolimit für Turboschweine - http://www.sueddeutsche.de/wirtschaft/geplantes-eu-freihandelsabkommen-mit-den-usa-tempolimit-fuer-turboschweine-1.1945592 De Gucht wants absolute power over #TTIP - no democracy here... (v @dozykraut)

The Other Side of Openness: #Licence Enforcement - http://blogs.computerworlduk.com/open-enterprise/2014/04/the-forgotten-side-of-the-openness-licence-enforcement/index.htm tough love, & not just in free software: #openstreetmap too

"100 milliards de dollars de bénéfices économiques pour l'Europe" - http://www.latribune.fr/opinions/tribunes/20140424trib000826782/traite-transatlantique-le-plus-gros-risque-serait-de-ne-pas-conclure.html that's max likely, cumulative, in 2027 #TTIP

Cambridge University VC Says Elsevier Are Rich Enough Already - http://www.rtaylor.co.uk/borysiewicz-elsevier-open-access.html  (v @Klangable)#openaccess

Al-Jazeera demands $150m compensation from Egypt government - http://www.theguardian.com/media/greenslade/2014/apr/29/al-jazeera-egypt another use of #ISDS (v @DrRimmer)

French children exposed to dangerous cocktail of #pesticides, campaigners say - http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/apr/29/french-children-farms-vineyards-exposed-dangerous-cocktail-pesticides small sample; more research needed

Arabische Halbinsel: Mers-Virus breitet sich immer schneller aus - http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/mers-virus-breitet-sich-in-saudi-arabien-immer-schneller-aus-a-966735.html this is not good #MERS

International Trade or Corporate Raid? The truth behind the new transatlantic trade agreement #TTIP - http://www.gaiafoundation.org/lindakaucherTTIP 23/5, #london

Unmasked: The city institutions given privileged status in controversial Royal Mail flotation - http://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/2014/04/29/unmasked-the-city-institutions-given-privileged-status-in-the-controversial-royal-mail-flotation/ no work, big profits

Meet #TISA: Another Major Treaty Negotiated In Secret Alongside #TPP And #TTIP - http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140428/10593427051/meet-tisa-another-major-treaty-negotiated-secret-alongside-tpp-ttip.shtml & just as bad; get ready to fight it
MT @EU_TTIP_team #DeGucht "Nous n'avons rien à cacher" sur #TTIP >>great: so make all tabled documents public immediately #transparency

Cuadrilla gets green light for oil test at Balcombe - http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/apr/29/cuadrilla-green-light-oil-test-balcombe so who do "local" councillors really represent...?

Obama: #TPP critics have a “lack of knowledge of what is going on in the negotiations” - http://infojustice.org/archives/32657 how insulting can you get?

Trade Deals that Threaten Democracy: what's behind EU-US and TransPacific trade and investment treaties - http://www.iuf.org/w/?q=node/3311 #TPP #TTIP

Stop #TTIP UK at the May Day March London 2014 - https://www.facebook.com/events/318568114961272

Patent Suit Losers Should Pay Victors’ Legal Fees: SCOTUS - http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-04-29/supreme-court-eases-rules-for-winners-to-collect-patent-fees.html well, it's a start (v @raycorrigan)

Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste: Core Infrastructure Initiative - http://www.linux.com/news/featured-blogs/158-jim-zemlin/771428-never-let-a-good-crisis-go-to-waste-core-infrastructure-initiative Jim Zemlin explains...

Implementing #CETA could take another two years - http://www.bilaterals.org/?implementing-canada-eu-free-trade could a more sceptical Euro Parliament reject it like #ACTA?

#rp14: Netzpolitik auf der re:publica’14 - https://netzpolitik.org/2014/rp14-netzpolitik-auf-der-republica14/ the place to be...

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