Tuesday, 23 April 2013


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130421 - http://bit.ly/121EzPq yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

What legal rights should Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev have? - http://bit.ly/11vJOpu how can this even be a question? #justice

"It is essential that #TTIP becomes a partnership by and for people." - http://bit.ly/13q28kW oh yes (v @Marcvanderham)#IPout #opendrafts

Corsican MEP battles for Europe to protect endangered languages - http://bit.ly/17RozmN that's good

FFII letter to European Parliament Trade committee on agreement with US - http://bit.ly/XQGWUG the key battles to come #IPout #opendrafts

Why DOJ's Decision To Not Read Dzhokhar Tsarnaev His Miranda Rights Is A Terrible Idea - http://bit.ly/ZIDpVb yes, wrong at every level

Seattle to Brussels Network - http://bit.ly/122t1eN lots of interesting articles about #TAFTA, #FTAs, investor-state disputes etc

Experts say drop Web #snooping plans - http://bit.ly/13qf6PU why is UK gov proceeding with what will be a dangerous fiasco? #ccdp

Mixed Reactions Among Participants In WIPO Talks On Treaty 4 The Blind - http://bit.ly/108SW0m (c) maximalists still spitting on the blind

German Parliament Sends Message: Stop Granting #SoftwarePatents - http://bit.ly/10tkULE hugely important; kudos to +Jimmy Schulz et al.

"hormone beef will not be allowed into the EU." - http://bit.ly/11uxas6 well, that's not what the USian think... (v @PostActa)#TAFTA #food

The Official Tsarnaev Story Makes No Sense - http://bit.ly/14IYVSh important points from someone who was in a position to know

Reinhart-Rogoff Revisited: Why we need #opendata in economics - http://bit.ly/12B2fLE oh yes

Why #CISPA is a global problem - http://bit.ly/XQUMXi & why we must have strong #EU #dataprotection #privacy

Angry #Prenda Is Angry - http://bit.ly/17RPY7V important & hilarious #copyright

How not to sell the Oil Sands - http://bit.ly/ZgW3J2 indeed, a classic by Canadian government #tarsands

Software Patents Storming Up the Agenda Again - http://bit.ly/123mgcx some good news for change, but dangers looming #swpats #tafta #ipout

Revolving Doors: Monsanto and the Regulators - http://bit.ly/ZDO7Ae old but excellent account of #monsanto's rise

Interview With U.S. Trade Representative Demetrios Marantis - http://on.wsj.com/123U2yq makes clear that #TPP is the death-knell for #Doha

Everywhere, Big Brother Is Smiling: Congress Sells Your Privacy For A Cool $84 Million - http://bit.ly/13qD6Co a little blatant, no? #cispa

EU #Transparency Legislation Paves the Way for a Global Standard - http://osf.to/YGecvh this looks really promising: let's move it forward

Opening up the wisdom of crowds for science - http://bit.ly/12BX2TZ "enables rapid development of online citizen science apps" #opensource

Data Communications Bill: the Home Office is trying to trap Britain in the past - http://bit.ly/ZhNWMr another good post from @MsSaraKelly

The Cultural Exception Is Non-Negotiable! - http://bit.ly/ZEcHRB some interesting resistance to #TAFTA #IPout #opendrafts (v @PostActa)

Victory Records claims #copyright infringement against Toh Kay for his own song - http://bit.ly/XRs7Bq the joys of copyright (@AxelSimon)

EC De Gucht on #TAFTA: The cultural exception is not up for  negotiation! - http://bit.ly/Y0abXm uh-huh, we shall see (v @PostActa)#TTIP

EU-Canada trade talks stalled, overshadowed by U.S - http://fxn.ws/11eTkg7 wow, this is pretty significant (v @PostActa)#CETA

doc about woman threatened with terrorism charges for videorecording cops as they stop-and-searched boyfriend – bit.ly/11ysfVC

Corrupt banks, corrupt copyright industry - why do they get to externalize business problems? - http://bit.ly/11ysMHc more on externalities

MSF Joins Opposition to #TPP - http://bit.ly/17epU5I "Doctors Without Borders is urging its members & donors to call Congress opposing TPP"

Groser right to be lukewarm over Japan’s entry to #TPP - http://bit.ly/17T4yvX "#Japan’s participation may turn into a poison chalice"

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