Saturday, 6 April 2013


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130404 - yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

Why I can no longer take British Nuclear Deterrence seriously … #trident - quite; complete waste of money

Minister moves on plain cig packaging - yay (v @DrRimmer @ASHScotland)#tobacco #cancer #ireland

#Mozilla and the #OpenSource #Browser Bonanza - how it took us from near-monoculture to marvellous multiplicity

Where are the activists as austerity bites? They have been beaten back - fine polemic #uk #nhs

a glimpse of the persistent, widespread practice of torture in #Papua - #indonesia's shame (v @suigenerisjen)

#Bee-harming pesticides should be banned, MPs urge - is a disgrace 

Britain has marginalised itself on an EU legislative dossier for second time in a matter of weeks. Why? - stupidity?

Will Obama’s New $100M Brain Mapping Project Be #OpenAccess? - yes, I wondered that

Vendre ses produits moins cher sur Internet, bientôt interdit ? - craziness #france

We have no right to our rivers while Richard Benyon's interests are served - shocking conflicts of interest #openland

Vi aspettiamo all’Arduino Day a Roma - #arduino at home...#openhardware

#Sugar industry's secret documents echo #tobacco tactics - but not surprising (v @DrRimmer @lessig)

#Nokia battles Google to kill open video - and what can be done about it #VP8

Mysterious mail to Australian journalist triggers global tax haven expose - interesting background (v @RyanHeathEU)

Microsoft exec "doesn't get" why always-on #DRM upsets people, mocks rural internet users - he won't last long

Nature group to launch #openaccess "Scientific Data" journal - nice; but is it #opendata? licence? (v @bengoldacre)

Tabula lets you turn (text-based) PDF file with tabular data into CSV format - fab #opensource tool (v @praxagora)

MT @dcarli#Monsanto threatens to sue the entire state of Vermont - >>as one does...

Digital Public Library of America to build a real #commons - "where possible, CC0": yay (v @dpla @dancohen @sivavaid)

The UK moves to preserve its digital history, paywalled content (and some tweets) included - only 15 years too late

Yes, The DOJ Thinks It's A Crime When A 12 Year Old Reads The NY Times - the #CFAA is broken: fix it

Trans Pacific Partnership is Bad for the Middle Class - investor-state dispute mechanism again... #TPP

#Debian gets served by #Bytemark - well done them (v @ralpost)

Program Manager at Open Society Foundations -"proficient in Microsoft Office" - ah, well, that's me out, then...

Senator Hatch's Plan To Give Hollywood The Key Seat At The Table For All Future Trade Negotiations - never the public

El gobierno chileno negocia de manera ilegal el #TPP - because it's secret, apparently (v @PabloViollier)#chile

Wird Russland die #Wikipedia sperren? - anything's possible there these days... #russia

Christians in Egypt increasingly vulnerable - the poor#copts cop it again... (v @asteris @LaurenBohn)

State of Play: Treaty for the #Blind negotiations at WIPO -'m ashamed of the #EU's role here...

#YouTube Won't Put Your Video Back Up, Even If It's Fair Use, If It Contains Content From Universal Music - #evil

Hundreds of wild boars face cull in Forest of Dean - animals; perhaps we could have some in London parks...

US on #TPP Countries' Public Interest Policies -"castigating food labeling for providing too much info" (v @maira)

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