Tuesday, 14 January 2014


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140112 - http://bit.ly/1aiIdXH yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

'We're going all out for shale,' admits Cameron - http://bit.ly/L0A1Wt offers councils 30 pieces of silver to betray communities #fracking

#fracking is classic privatisation of very short-term profits and socialisation of very long-term environmental & health problems it causes

 Factory Farms Are Accelerating an Antibiotics Nightmare - http://bit.ly/1eOgiSs because boosting profits more important than saving lives

French senators strongly attack EU-US trade deal - http://bit.ly/JU0Pqr surprising resistance to #TAFTA/#TTIP in #france

Steam Machines are here: how Alienware is realizing Valve's console dream - http://bit.ly/1j2HiCZ important moment for #gaming and #linux

Carl Malamud's testimony on copyrighting the law - http://bit.ly/1ccu6mD he knows whereof he speaks

coalition’s strategy of divide & conquer works as they pit scientists vs. health professionals: informed consent - http://bit.ly/1ezTeX5

I Spent Two Hours Talking With #NSA’s Big Wigs. Here’s What’s Got Them Mad - http://wrd.cm/1cVpViu "They really hate #Snowden."

#Fracking incentives will give councils 'contradictory roles' - http://bit.ly/L1sPJJ how can we trust them with this conflict of interest?

How NSA Threatens National Security - http://bit.ly/1hhQlgm "Not only is ubiquitous surveillance ineffective, it is extraordinarily costly"

Speak up to make sure the government counts climate costs - http://bit.ly/1ezYDgQ we must include these when making economic decisions

Out in the Open: An NSA-Proof Twitter, Built With Code From Bitcoin and BitTorrent - http://wrd.cm/1lUyIGi

successful FOI request for info about #Elsevier costs at De Montfort University - http://bit.ly/1lUL3ua would be great if others did this

“A energia, só por si, justificaria este acordo” com US - http://bit.ly/1cebClD wow, such 20th-century thinking, so stupid #TAFTA/#TTIP

#Fracking bribes will tie us into a future of high energy prices - http://bit.ly/1dKbsUg "desperation in the face of the strong resistance"

"Energy company chiefs have repeatedly insisted that shale gas will not be a "game-changer" in the UK" - http://bit.ly/1cexEVi #fracking

#TTIP Update XII - http://bit.ly/JVo6Zc why the US Fast Track bill guarantees that #ISDS will be one-sided and unfair for #EU #TAFTA

NSA Saying Bulk Metadata Collection 'Saves Lives' To 'Prevented 54 Attacks' To 'Well, It's A Nice Insurance Policy' - http://bit.ly/KfjdcK

What Solitary Confinement Does to Your Face - http://politi.co/1hj3EwQ "80,000 prisoners in isolation across" US (v @laurasilber @OpenSociety)

if the UK gov believes in the market, & letting people choose, why not offer same payments to communities for #renewables as for #fracking?

Hollywood Needs The Internet More Than The Internet Needs Hollywood... So Why Is The W3C Pretending Otherwise? - http://bit.ly/L37T51

WIPO Treaty for the Blind Showed that #Transparency Can Work (and is Necessary) - http://bit.ly/1ajNRJ9 #TPP & #TAFTA/#TTIP please note

#Copyright Week: Transparency and the #TPP - http://bit.ly/1ai2W18 good explanation of the bad stuff we should expect

Chomsky: Obama #TPP Deal A 'Neoliberal Assault' To Further Corporate 'Domination' - http://huff.to/1dqyxjY "highly protectionist measures"

#Copyright Week: Why Hollywood & USTR Hate Transparency - http://bit.ly/1cfXkRr "serves only desires of the maximalist to control speech"

Internet Association Statement in Response to the Trade Promotion Authority Introduction - http://bit.ly/L43YVB #TPP #TAFTA/#TTIP

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