Who Needs LimeWire?
Open Source Groovejaar’s In Town - http://bit.ly/nH6Jjz interesting
#WikiLeaks cable shows
US twisting arm of Bosnian government to license software from
#Microsoft - http://bit.ly/r5QznP & not only there
The cracking of
kernel.org - http://bit.ly/qcU9SZ great explanation of why the #linux
kernel is still safe
Socio-acoustics of
Asian elephants - http://bit.ly/ozhUQa isn't it about time we learned
how to interpret what they are saying? #linguistics
Hubei Anti-Corruption
Official Stabbed 10x Ruled a Suicide - http://bit.ly/qrrQjZ well,
obviously #china #fishy
Cash Hoards Are
Destroying Value In The Tech Sector - http://onforb.es/pI9Rop
interesting analysis #finance
The Invisible Mouse -
http://bit.ly/qtUer8 transparent, actually; still rather creepy
Education - http://bit.ly/nXYt9B excellent piece: "When people
connect, they begin to share."
Wikileaked cable:
#AFACT was #MPAA’s cat’s-paw - http://bit.ly/nid3Rv "a
precedent in Australia would serve as a lever"
Cents of Entitlement -
http://bit.ly/qkjFqh time to get rid of copyright levies where they
exist - or to reduce them & allow copying
Local councils lose
personal details of 160,000 people - http://bit.ly/pulQOw what's the
collective noun for lost personal data?
Pearson wants people to
mash up its content, open-sources API - http://tnw.co/opylKw clueful
(v @copyrightgirl @LawTechGadget) #publishing
Nokia transfers 2,000
#patents to IP firm - http://tnw.co/p1YCaU "expected to generate
income from lawsuits"; totally sick
Death in #dolphins: do
they understand they are mortal? - http://bit.ly/pnoOIO given their
intelligence, why wouldn't they? #ethology
Plastic Bag
Manufacturers Edit California Textbooks - http://bit.ly/pGSvJs "new
section titled "Advantages of Plastic Shopping Bags."
Local authorities use
#libel laws to silence criticism - http://bit.ly/n30KIp needs to be
fixed (v @jmcest)
Tear Down This
(Pay)Wall: The End of Private Copyright in Public Statutes -
http://bit.ly/n6a5Br quite (v @Copycense)
Just published: "Big
Data Now" - http://oreil.ly/nKEAOa "a free collection that
brings together much of the #data coverage we've featured"
We the People -
US to launch epetitions to White House; wonder where they got that
Open Data: Help "Make
it Real" - http://bit.ly/qBVVLI
#UK gov wants
your advice #opendata
Photographer gets it -
http://bit.ly/nAiUqB nice pic; great post #copyright #ownership
Happy third birthday,
#Chrome! - http://bit.ly/p0cCEO slightly self-congratulatory post
from #google; nice graphic
The seduction of Howard
Dean - http://bit.ly/r6t3V3 depressing tale of the corrosive power of
money (v @jamie_love) #lobbying
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