Sunday, 10 February 2013


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130208 - yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

IP Address Snapshots Not Sufficient Evidence To File Infringement Suit; Prenda Lawyer Faces Sanctions - smackdown time

Guerrilla Benchers replace street furniture removed to discourage homeless people - fab: hail to the guerrilla benchers

The inside story of Aaron Swartz’s campaign to liberate court filings - good piece, great story #openaccess

Key Case About Software Patents May Hinge On How You Define 'Significantly More' - we shall see #swpats

The horsemeat scandal: could there be much more to come? - you bet: this industry looks rotten (sic) from top to bottom

Crowdsourced Coders Take On Immunology Big Data - will be many more like it

Eyes in the sky:'s CCTV code to IGNORE MILLIONS of cameras - clearly a chocolate teapot

Canada Denies Patent For Drug, So US Pharma Company Demands $100 Million As Compensation 4 'Expropriation' - important

[RT] Hydrophobic, dirt-shedding spray is indistinguishable from magic - pretty astonishing; wonder if there is downside

Edwin Mellen Press: End libel suit against Dale Askey and McMaster University - #epetition (v @RickyPo)

can anyone help, please? MT @psychemedia know the names of any companies involved in meat processing?

EU leaders agree to push for U.S. trade deal - at what price? we want #IPout (v @DrRimmer @info_justice)#TAFTA

The Scary Truth About How Much #ClimateChange is Costing You - good piece: will money wake people up? (v @DrRimmer)

Barack Obama's 'extreme' anti-terror tactics face liberal backlash - took long enough

"Aukkras êqutta ogvëuļa tnou’elkwa pal-lši augwaikštülnàmbu" - amazing story; do read... #conlang #linguistics

Il lato oscuro della Rete - "teorico eccentrico"? well, that's not very kind.... (v @mbauwens)

Kim Dotcom’s MEGA cloud storage service gets a Firefox extension - now there's a conjunction

IE Patch To Fix 57 Vulnerabilities - riiight

Rémunérer les amateurs pour valoriser les externalités positives - "Faire évoluer la conception de la valeur" yup

RT @GraniteStudio Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Lang Lang. The Baidu to Liberace's Google. #chunwan >>ouch

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