Thursday, 2 August 2012


Ardusat - "will allow experiments to be run in orbit by everyday people like you and me." #arduino #openhardware

#Amazon decides it actually does need licenses for music - U-turn

#Samsung, After 'Begging' to Get Sony Into #Apple Patent Trial, Flouts Judge And Releases 'Excluded Evidence' Anyway -

#Android 4.0 is coming! - to the #raspberrypi, that is

#Mozilla Will Nearly Double SF Office, Add 125 People In Early 2013 - upbeat stuff

30 #Linux Kernel Developers in 30 Weeks: Alan Cox - what our man in Swansea is up to 

Top patent court struggles to decide when software is patentable - another hint that it shouldn't ever be patentable 

#Drones kill transnational terrorists - spectacularly arrogant & insulting (v @Asher_Wolf @chrisjwoods)

Ask Me Anything, Answer Nothing: Kevin Rose’s AMA On #Reddit - whoops

Boris Johnson Invites Rupert Murdoch To The Games - goes bonkers

Cabinet Iraq papers to remain secret - "thereby encouraging high-quality decision-making" haha, v witty (v @jmcest)

Musicians getting 'more than half of royalty income from online streaming' - another reason #DEAct should be binned

Silchester Iron Age finds reveal secrets of pre-Roman Britain - exciting stuff

Twitter refuses to unmask user of fake Steve Auckland account - tries to redeem itself (v @Asher_Wolf @YourAnonNews)

How Petty Patent Fights Can Get: Samsung Upset That Apple Gets Top Billing In Patent Suit - pathetic or what...?

#Syria's video activists give revolution the upper hand in media war - fascinating stuff

Valve's Linux video games plan described as 'unethical' - done, BBC, facts all correct 4 a change (v @schestowitz)

Harry Reid: Bain Investor Told Me That Mitt Romney 'Didn't Pay Any Taxes For 10 Years' - like everyone (v @jwildeboer)

Public Accounts Committee urges government to make case for free #opendata sensible stuff (v @Mark_Antony)#uk

UK Economic & Social Data Service value for money - 4 every £1 returns £5.40 in net economic value  (v @petersuber)

Open-Data-Initiative der Bundesregierung - about time, too - come on, #Germany #opendata

#ClimateChange’s Costs Hit The Plate - "this year’s U.S. drought is good news", because it may wake up sceptics

#Microsoft's Patent Strategy Made Patent - it just wants#google to admit #android infringes - nothing much

UK Government Censors #Copyright Consultation Submission About How Awful Collection Societies Are - curious

Access to private communications is a privilege, not a right -'s* government* access...

#dangleboris is already a meme - it's a fast-moving world here (v @mikebutcher)

Why is Boris Johnson promoting climate change "sceptics"? - even more bonkers (v @boraz @j_timmer @alicebell) 

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