#Brazil Drafts An
'Anti-#ACTA': A Civil Rights-Based Framework For The Internet -
http://bit.ly/pCpohQ we could
learn a lot from it
Classifying #Patent and
#Copyright Law as “Property”: So What? - http://bit.ly/paTjdZ
debunking the "IP" trick #intellectualmonopolies
Why I believe AAPL will
crumble ... - http://bit.ly/n0pjsR
excellent: provocative & thought-provoking #apple #ecosystems
Pirate politician: We
want open, online government - http://bit.ly/pIBs7R
hmm, not sure that pic quite conveys the right image...
Officer accused of
terrorizing citizens, still on force - http://bit.ly/n73WLB
man in diabetic coma "beaten to a pulp"; disgusting
Hats off to the Global
Text Project! - http://bit.ly/pzP3mf
"engaging academic communities to help build library of free
online textbooks"
California wants to put
GMO labeling on 2012 ballot - http://bit.ly/ngHjZ1
outrageous that USians aren't allowed to know what they eat
“Fossil Fuels Are
Wonderful,” Claims U.S. Documentary - http://bit.ly/nqshHM
called "Spoiled" - just like the environment #fud #energy
Kickstarter Hit With
#Patent Claim Over Crowd-Funding - http://tcrn.ch/qMgt23
no comment necessary (v @Beautyon_) #trolls
Digital Monopolies A
Bigger Threat Than #Piracy, Says Miramax CEO - http://bit.ly/qsrfvo
more people get it #copyright
Happy 5th Birthday,
#Wikileaks - http://rww.to/nU25zJ
how time flies when you're having fun
#Wikimedia Foundation
to Launch #Arabic Catalyst - http://bit.ly/qSunw1
IBM open sources Blue
Spruce to aid medical research - http://bit.ly/o3exDT
more please
EU faces down #tarsands
industry - http://bit.ly/pYZB2N
kudos to European Commission (can't believe I wrote that...) #energy
#Samsung asks European
trademark agency to void #Apple’s iPad design rights -
http://tnw.co/r3ttD3 think of the
money being wasted here
Massive #privacy issue
with new #Norway law to tackle #copyright infringement -
http://bit.ly/rmk2hm this is
seriously bad news
New UK Banknote
Celebrates James Watt, #Patent Bully and Monopolist -
http://bit.ly/nLQx81 innovation?
not so much
Success: Barbie and
Mattel drop #deforestation! - http://bit.ly/oTQgv1
ah, isn't that just so sweet? #packaging
Creating a web literate
planet (summary) - http://bit.ly/oEQujY
a great idea, I think - provided we drop the badges... #mozilla
#Guantánamo film shows
plight of Canadian national detained at 15 - http://bit.ly/psUOeJ
yeah: why the West will win that War on Terror
Princeton Tells Its
Academics Not to Hand Over #Copyright When Publishing In Scholarly
Journals - http://bit.ly/rgoYu1
big #openaccess win
Rooftop #QR Codes Aim
to Infiltrate Google Maps - http://on.mash.to/odxDxl
how long before these link to #malware?
Pay-Per-View Science
for the Scholarly Poor is unacceptable: immoral, unethical and
encourages bad science - http://bit.ly/oPTOMA
Urgent crowd-source
request: social media, privacy & super-injunctions -
http://bit.ly/oDfuTy "for
written evidence to the Joint Committee"
German #Pirates on 8% -
http://bit.ly/oNtkwi this is
getting interesting; wonder when the politicians will notice? #de
#Net Neutrality: the
Plum report on the Open Internet - http://bbc.in/mY7U9o
commissioned by BBC, but looks sensible #openness
Access To Italian
#Wikipedia Blocked In Protest Of Wiretapping Bill In #Italy -
http://bit.ly/nm6dNk end of
Italian #blogging? #censorship
Bletchley Park lands
£4.6m restoration bonanza - http://bit.ly/pCN73U
at last, some well-deserved dosh #turing
follow-up to "New
UK Banknote Celebrates James Watt, Patent Bully and Monopolist"
- http://bit.ly/nijDgs links to
monopoly sceptics
Newzbin2 Team Up With
The Pirate Bay To Defeat Site Blocking - http://bit.ly/nq4LZJ
copyright enforcement drives evolution: it's that simple
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