Moody’s Microblog
Daily Digest
yesterday’s tweets as a single page
Once Again, Russian
Internet Propaganda Efforts Shown To Be Much Bigger Than Originally
Believed -
everyone does it, but the russians are the best…
How a vaccinated
woman’s death exposes the threat of anti-vaxxers -
the death of this young woman shows why #antivaxxers
are murdering scum
Judge rules that
EFF’s #DRM lawsuit
can proceed! -
Trump Doral resort
to host golf tourney run by strip club, dancers auctioned off as
'caddy girls' -
I'm sure it's perfectly normal for the leader of a country to be
selling woman to the highest bidder
David Attenborough
says it’s ‘extraordinary’ climate deniers are in power in
#Australia -
Maldives’ is actually a toxic dump, Instagrammers warned -
they go there anyway: #darwinianselection
at its finest…
Kim Darroch resigns
as UK ambassador to US after leaked Trump comment -
sadly inevitable given his impossible position; question is, will
they now appoint an experienced civil servant or #brexit
Kim Darroch quits as
UK ambassador to US ‘after Johnson remarks’ -
in other words, this is entirely down to boris johnson’s cowardice;
what a great PM he is going to make, bending over for the US at every
“@BorisJohnson - a
former foreign secretary and he hopes to be the future prime minister
- has basically thrown our top diplomat under the bus” -
“There are a lot of people in the Commons who are very, very angry”
good; take the coward down
A green transition
for Europe needs €1,100 billion in private and public investments.
And it needs to be done now, not tomorrow. @CiolosDacian, tell Ursula
von der Leyen to deliver a concrete plan for a #ClimateNeutralEU
Kim Darroch:
effectively sacked by Johnson on the orders of Trump -
the fact that the tories are not up in arms over this has deepened my
contempt for them as a party of power-mad cynics - like the
Thousands of wild
animals seized in smuggling crackdown -
good work by police forces; terrible it needs to be done
YouTube ‘Blocks’
Popular MP3 Stream-Ripping Sites -
presumably proxy servers get around this
Politicians Queue Up
To Make France’s Proposed Law Against ‘Hateful Content’ Far,
Far Worse -
please don’t do this, #france…
One giant … lie?
Why so many people still think the moon landings were faked -
it’s actually very simple: vast numbers of people are very stupid
“Emily Thornberry
labels Boris Johnson ‘an obsequious weakling’” -
“just imagine Churchill allowing this humiliating, servile,
sycophantic indulgence of American president’s ego to go
unchallenged.” quite; we must constantly remind @borisjohnson of
“35% saying
Darroch should be replaced with someone more amenable to the
Americans” -
I am astonished - and ashamed - that a third of my fellow Brits are
cowards and sycophants; I would never have expected this, even after
Ursula von der Leyen
signals she will not reopen Brexit talks -
“Nominee to lead European commission also says ‘precious’
backstop must be defended”
Sharing, Generosity
and Gratitude -
“It seemed appropriate then, when the Mayo Clinic selected my liver
donor, that it would be the person who helped train me in open
education – David Wiley” #kudos
Voting Machine
Makers Claim The Names Of The Entities That Own Them Are Trade
Secrets -
you can tell these people are totally trustworthy running the
machinery of democracy
Boris Johnson blamed
after Kim Darroch quits as UK ambassador to US -
" Theresa May is understood to be considering appointing a new
ambassador in her last week as prime minister" damn right - a
condign punishment for johnson’s cowardice
MP Sir Patrick McLoughlin agreed: “It is unedifying to see someone
who wants to be prime minister failing to stand up for hard-working
civil servants, who have done nothing wrong, under attack from
foreign governments. Leadership involves standing up for your team.”
Northern Ireland
civil service chief warns of Brexit threat to society -
“report says 40,000 jobs are at risk in region” #brexiters
don’t give a damn about Northern Ireland or its people…
Vegan Food
Manufacturers Sue State Over Unconstitutional Law Banning Them From
Using Meat Words -
quite right too
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