Moody’s Microblog
Daily Digest
yesterday’s tweets as a single page
schaltet sich ab – für das freie Internet -
" Wir setzen uns für ein insgesamt freies Netz ein, damit
Wissen möglichst ungehindert geteilt werden kann." #artikel13
EU-U.S.: Call for
proposals for regulatory cooperation activities -
this is the trojan horse approach to deregulation, forcing US rules
on EU as part of #TTIP
Australian media
broadcast footage from Christchurch shootings despite police pleas -
totally irresponsible; will inevitably help to fuel further murders
New Zealand gun laws
face scrutiny after Christchurch attack -
“Unlike UK and Australia there is no ban on semi-automatic
military-style weapons”: well, there’s part of your problem…
Mystery Spill At
Mosul Lake: Analyzing Potential Causes Of Pollution -
great use of open source information for environmental analysis
News Organization
Like @Reuters Supporting The EU #Copyright
Directive Is A Shameful Support For #Censorship
shame on them
Do UK politicians
support the climate strike? Party leaders respond -
well: “The Conservative party was invited to participate, but
declined.” says it all, really…
‘Deal or No Deal?’
Businesses’ Views on the Endgame of the Brexit Negotiations -
"the vast majority believe a “No Deal” outcome would be
extremely damaging, and is a “worst-case scenario”
wichtig: Der
Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragte Ulrich Kelber warnt vor den Folgen der
EU-Urheberrechtsreform -
“Um den Anforderungen von #Artikel13
zu entsprechen, benötigt es Upload-Filter.”
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