Thursday, 14 March 2019


Moody’s Microblog Daily Digest yesterday’s tweets as a single page

No-deal Brexit: transport crisis could leave cities short of police - oh: so not just riots over food shortages, but no police to control them… #brexitchaos

UN Human Rights Expert Warns EU Not To Pass #Article13 - " Even as some content creators are supporting Article 13, the real impact on them will be incredibly damaging."

Barnier tells MPs not to believe ‘dangerous illusion’ they can have transition without withdrawal agreement - #malthouse is a waste of time, of which we have precious little… #brexitchaos

Bundesregierung rechnet mit „#Uploadfiltern“ - “Die Bundesregierung räumt knapp zwei Wochen vor der finalen Abstimmung zur EU-Urheberrechtsreform ein, dass diese auf den Einsatz umstrittener Filtertechnologien hinausläuft.” pl. RT #artikel13

#Japan Abandons Tough Anti-Downloading #Copyright Law - that’s a relief, it was bad; now make sure the bad bits come out

"Es wird auf absehbare Zeit keine Technik geben, die Fälle wie Zitate, Satire, Kritiken und Besprechungen, Nutzungen mit eigener Schöpfungshöhe, wissenschaftliche Nutzungsweisen und so weiter automatisiert korrekt bearbeiten kann. Das sind schwierige Fragen.“ #artikel13

Memes Could Be Filtered Out by EU #Copyright Law - “That an algorithm in this respect can recognize all conceivable forms and contexts in criticism, satire or quotation is absolutely out of the question.” #article13

Fighting the EU meme ban with memes - nice idea, but not a ban - certainly a serious threat #article13

May and Corbyn will never back a second referendum – but MPs must - time for MPs to “take back control” etc…

German Government Confirms That #Article13 Does Mean #UploadFilters, Destroying Claims To The Contrary Once And For All - now we need to make sure every MEP sees and understands this…

Orbán's family values ads mocked for using 'distracted boyfriend' models - but did he pay for them...?

In der Filterblase - more tech-illiterate nonsense from desperate supporters of Big Copyright, & haters of creators and the public…

With days to go until the #CopyrightDirective vote, #Article13's father admits it requires filters and says he’s OK with killing Youtube - everyone says it: #article13 = #uploadfilters = blocking legal material

Anti-vax parents sue to keep unvaccinated kids in school during outbreak - sheer, unmitigated selfishness

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