Tuesday, 1 July 2014


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140630 - http://moodysmdd.blogspot.be/2014/06/140630.html yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

#Kenya: Give presidential armed protection to your last 'great tusker' elephants - http://www.thepetitionsite.com/761/234/291/kenya-give-presidential-armed-protection-to-your-last-great-tusker-elephants/ losing these animals is a tragedy

WebODF 0.5.0 released, gains text editor - http://webodf.org/news/2014-06-30.html "add Open Document Format (#ODF) support to your website"

Isolated and xenophobic: Britain after a Tory victory - http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jul/01/eu-referendum-next-election-tory-plans true: another Conservative government will destroy the UK

Trident gets thumbs up in report that will dismay anti-nuclear campaigners - http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/jul/01/trident-nuclear-missile-renewal-study idiotic: "deterrent" against whom?

EU's #TTIP Anti-Transparency Rules laid out in DG-Trade letter - http://keionline.org/node/2033 marginally less awful than US's ridiculous rules

UK's Part-Time Intelligence Watchdog Thinks Twice-Yearly Inspection Of Spy Services 'Sufficient' - https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140627/07361827699/uks-part-time-intelligence-watchdog-thinks-twice-yearly-inspection-spy-services-sufficient.shtml </facepalm>

Visit of Richard Stallman (RMS) to Cambridge - http://blogs.ch.cam.ac.uk/pmr/2014/07/01/visit-of-richard-stallman-rms-to-cambridge/ what it's like to host #RMS

UK future food security threatened by complacency - http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/jul/01/uk-food-security-threatened-complacency-mps-report Paterson "halved funding for adaptation to climate change in UK"

#TTIP leak: EU proposal will weaken regulation of banks - http://corporateeurope.org/pressreleases/2014/07/ttip-eu-proposal-will-weaken-regulation-banks @EU_Commission always working for the 1% #TAFTA

.@PayPal Freezes @ProtonMail Campaign Funds - https://protonmail.ch/blog/paypal-freezes-protonmail-campaign-funds/ PayPal behaving badly yet again? (v @AdV007)

European Research Organisations Call On Elsevier To Withdraw TDM Policy - http://libereurope.eu/news/european-research-organisations-call-on-elsevier-to-withdraw-tdm-policy/ good to see (v @UKLACA)

Ecotopia emerging: sustainable forests and healthy livelihoods go hand in hand - http://news.mongabay.com/2014/0626-sri-nicole-ecotopia-emerging-agrawal-profile.html fascinating stuff

Antwort-Leitfaden für die öffentliche Konsultation der Europäischen Kommission zu #TTIP - https://netzpolitik.org/2014/antwort-leitfaden-fuer-die-oeffentliche-konsultation-der-europaeischen-kommission-zu-ttip/ wichtig #ISDS

Commission considering optional carbon reporting 4 #tarsands - http://www.transportenvironment.org/news/commission-considering-optional-carbon-reporting-tar-sands another massive betrayal of public by @EU_Commission

.@UKIP and National Front stage EU Parliament protests - http://www.euractiv.com/sections/eu-elections-2014/ukip-and-national-front-stage-eu-parliament-protests-303206 what a pathetic, negative bunch

IBM to overcome data sovereignty fears with London data centre - http://www.computerworlduk.com/news/cloud-computing/3527997/ibm-overcome-data-sovereignty-fears-with-london-data-centre/ do they think we are stupid, or something? #nsa

Windows Phone sales are falling in the U.S. and China, according to new survey - http://gigaom.com/2014/06/30/windows-phone-sales-are-falling-in-the-u-s-and-china-according-to-new-survey/ going down...

 Leaked draft of Commission copyright white paper based on flawed assumptions - http://infojustice.org/archives/32909 good analysis of typically biased doc

.@EU_Commission actions to protect & enforce intellectual monopolies - http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-14-760_en.htm?locale=en typical: always the stick, never the carrot

Bees: Swarm on Downing Street - http://blog.38degrees.org.uk/2014/07/01/bees-swarm-on-downing-street/ nice demo, but will the politicians take any notice? #syngenta #poison

Tell @LEGO_Group to dump Shell -  https://secure.greenpeace.org.uk/page/s/lego-block-shell-2 do Lego really want to be associated with polluters? I think not #PRDisaster

Court Tells DOJ To Cough Up The Other Secret Memos That Justify Killing By Drone - https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140630/17482127736/court-tells-doj-to-cough-up-other-secret-memos-justifying-killing-people-drone.shtml "secret memos all the way down"

Dangerous Ruling: Judge Lets Microsoft Seize & Redirect No-IP Domains Without Notice - https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140701/07252927743/dangerous-ruling-judge-lets-microsoft-seize-redirect-no-ip-domains-without-notice.shtml @Microsoft in full #evil mode

in fact, if @Microsoft really cared about fighting #malware, the most effective thing it could do would be to withdraw all its products...

#TTIP Update XXXI - #ISDS Consultation - http://blogs.computerworlduk.com/open-enterprise/2014/06/ttip-update-xxxi---the-isds-consultation/index.htm this is the big one: my answers - pl. submit yours too - open to all #TAFTA

Tell congress to protect your right to know: oppose the DARK act - http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/1881/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=14356 absolutely incredible #monsanto #labelling

"#ISDS destabilises domestic judicial system because public measures subject to 2 diverging legal assessments.” - http://www.bilaterals.org/?commission-closes-ttip

IRS Rejects Non-Profit Status For Open Source Organization, Because Private Companies Might Use The Software - https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140701/11470827745/irs-rejects-non-profit-status-open-source-organization-because-private-companies-might-use-software.shtml

#Austria: "operation of #TOR exit nodes supposedly declared a criminal offense by a regional criminal court" - https://network23.org/blackoutaustria/2014/07/01/to-whom-it-may-concern-english-version/

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