Wednesday, 4 July 2012


[RT] James Watson, Co-Discoverer Of #DNA's Structure, Says 'Patenting Human Genes Was Lunacy' - #genepatents

Judge Refuses to Lift Ban on Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 - #apple terrified of real competition

The inaugural issue of the Journal of Peer Production has been published! - & jolly interesting it looks too #P2P

Beyond digital plenty: Building blocks for physical peer production -  good article from #P2P journal just tweeted

#ACTA: Please write to your MEP - @webmink has a few final thoughts

Home Secretary to UK net activists: shut up, I'm rendering Richard #ODwyer to America - this woman is a disgrace

Trans-Pacific free trade zone protest - people finally waking up to the horrors of #TPP

Famed photographer Edward Burtynsky uses drones - a great pic

#Firefox fights back, holds on to second place in world browser share - exciting stuff

$7,000 Fine for Sharing “WordPress For Dummies” on BitTorrent - ridiculous: this is free marketing...

South Korean telcos get OK to charge extra for mobile VOIP apps - so much for #netneutrality

#ACTA debate: MEPs disagree about the best way forward - interesting to see this on European Parliament site

#ACTA Supporters In Europe Fighting To The Bitter End - to ask for postponement today

RT @swardley: What we need is SOPN - Stop Online Piracy Now - >>ha!

[correct URL] The inaugural issue of the Journal of Peer Production has been published! - ‪#P2P (v @carusb)

Defeating #ACTA: Now or Never - what we can do today

"The EPP should stop playing games and make up their minds on #ACTA" - so say the Socialists and Democrats in EP

#Assange Conundrum - interesting thoughts as ever from Craig Murray #wikileaks

EP Newshub goes online: The #ACTA test case - useful feed; also links to live video (may not work with GNU/Linux)

Android Transporter and Raspberry Pi - looks cool

#ACTA session in European Parliament beginning in 5 minutes (1500 local time) -

Used Software Can Be Sold, Says #EU Court of Justice -, that's quite a judgement #firstsale

The USPTO: Where Up Is Down, Expensive Medicine Saves Lives, And Cheap Alternatives Violate International Law - sad

‪#ACTA‬, the final 24 hours: what's the fuss, now? - good summary of where things stand after EP debate

Forest Fires, Deadly Storms, Record Heat Reveal A Changed Climate -  "What we’re seeing now is the future"

Julian Huppert MP writes… Draft Communications Data Bill: send me your evidence - NB really important to give facts

Kolab 3.0: Update,overview & release plans - good to see key #opensource business software apps progressing #groupware

Man in the middle Attacks just like the UK gov wants to use - the new battlefield... (v @glynwintle)

Happy birthday - how time flies when you're having fun

Gescheiterte Wal-Schutzzone: Naturschützer werfen Japan Manipulation vor - bloody (literally & metaphorically) Japanese

Awesome desktop music player Tomahawk relaunches, and there’s a new Web version too - #opensource too

#RIM CEO: No, really, we're not in a 'death spiral' - of course not, absurd idea. more of a straight-down plunge..

Top EU court upholds right to resell downloaded software - more I look at this, the bigger it seems...

Fastest growing segment of piracy? Live TV - sounds like pricing problems and unmet demand to me...

Extra millimeter on Google Nexus 7 makes it more repairable than iPad - well, that's good

Introducing the next iteration of GOV.UK - onwards & upwards (v @tim)

EU Court: When You Buy Software You Own It - more thoughts on potentially important decision

USTR's Surprise Turnaround: Now Advocating Limitations & Exceptions To Copyright - call me cynical, but I'm dubious...

Just Trust Us, Say Manufacturers of Killer Robots [Drones] - OK, sounds legit

What’s at Stake in the San Diego Round of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (#TPP) - excellent, detailed analysis

What does the secret #TPP text say about copyright exceptions? - & why they might be problematic

Now glyphosate found in people's urine - eeek: this needs further research

#Peru bill could imprison average internet user - looks pretty bad #privacy

Criminalizing links: Why the Richard O’Dwyer case matters - yup #odwyer

¿Comisión de Justicia del Congreso pirateó la ley de delitos informáticos? - again? (v @beabusaniche @claudio)#peru

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