Tuesday, 18 June 2013


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130616 - http://bit.ly/12CxuYA yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

BTW, if you're looking for #ERT, there are live streams here - http://bit.ly/17fw4pT #gr

#Woz: This is not my America - http://cnet.co/11T9leq sad geek: "I was so proud of my country & now I find out it's just the opposite"

"133 UK universites & colls of higher education forced to sign a new Concordat for Research Integrity" - http://ind.pn/13TccCP (v @brembs)

Fleur Pellerin chez #Mozilla: le logiciel libre, "garant de la souveraineté numérique" - http://bit.ly/16aIoDs (v @tnoisette @nitot)#fr

Persuading David Simon - http://bit.ly/12Q5OAZ excellent, detailed rebuttal (v @LukasKawerau)#nsa #scaling

ISPs to include porn filters as default in the #UK by 2014 - http://ars.to/10pvFhF an alliance of prudes & failed parents...

pic of the week - April torrential downpours http://bit.ly/1bMrtIv ah, #London (v @Londonist)

Trade deal  would benefit US more than EU, Ifo study finds - http://bit.ly/125YjhG so US must make concessions, not EU #TAFTA/#TTIP

French Minister’s vibrant speech in favour of free software - http://bit.ly/11G1sFe good to hear #fr

Why The NSA And President Bush Got The FISA Court To Reinterpret The Law In Order To Collect Tons Of Data - http://bit.ly/12D3njW

Chinese supercomputer tops the charts -- two years early - http://cnet.co/17fMDlN runs on #kylin, chinese #linux distro

New Principles Address Balance between National Security and the Public’s Right to Know - http://osf.to/19d483m (v @webmink)#transparency

Verizon  sees “trade” deal as the next “Share everything” plan - http://bit.ly/11G2Uaq sees #TAFTA/#TTIP as way to destroy privacy in #EU

Edward #Snowden Q&A: NSA whistleblower answers your questions 4pm BST - http://bit.ly/11sS2xS whoa, could be fun...

Achat patriotique ? Si on passait à la pratique ! - http://bit.ly/126tMjN so why buy US sw - especially after Prism? (v @MarthadM)#fr

How Can Any Company Ever Trust #Microsoft Again? - http://bit.ly/15cyPkV passes zero-day flaws to #nsa for breaking into foreign systems

Big Data, Big Government, Big Companies: NSA spying raises new Qs on corporate human rights responsibilities - http://bit.ly/13UbQvF

UK Advisory group publishes identity assurance principles for consultation - http://bit.ly/13NOEAC (v @williamheath)

Who benefits from a free trade deal? - http://bit.ly/1bNp4gE help pl.: economists needed to look this through #TAFTA/#TTIP

#EU Data Protection Responses To PRISM "A Smokescreen" - http://bit.ly/15cCCPp important interview with @CasparBowden on what we can do

"#EU could offer legal immunity and financial rewards for reporting #surveillance which breaks EU law" - http://bit.ly/15cCCPp great idea

New #Microsoft Privacy Campaign Promotes Consumer Control - http://bit.ly/12QE2V1 ORLY? -  http://bit.ly/15cyPkV (v @ToruOkada69)#nsa

MT @kristacox #SCOTUS holds in 5-3 decision pay-for-delay settlement agreements not immune from #antitrust scrutiny: http://1.usa.gov/1bNv6Oq

High Profitability of #Copyright-Intensive Industries - http://bit.ly/11GswE8 yeah, it's called price-gouging #intellectualmonopolies

#snowden: "Iceland could be pushed harder, quicker, before the public could have a chance to make their feelings known"; hence Hong Kong

#snowden: "media outlets used argument that "documents were dumped" to smear Manning, & want to make it clear it is not a valid assertion."

The Document Foundation Welcomes France’s MIMO In The Advisory Board - http://bit.ly/15cKsIB good news #libreoffice

#snowden: "$200,000 was my "career high" salary. I had to take pay cuts in the course of pursuing specific work."

#snowden: "if an NSA, FBI, CIA, DIA analyst has access to query raw SIGINT databases, they can enter and get results for anything they want"

#snowden: "The restrictions against this are policy based, not technically based, and can change at any time." refers to previous tweet

#snowden: "For at least #GCHQ, the number of audited queries is only 5% of those performed." i.e. they can get whatever they want

#TTIP : l'accord USA-Europe intégrera bien la propriété intellectuelle - http://bit.ly/ZXGANa as we already expected

It's Not Whether NSA Surveillance Helped Stop Any Plots, But Whether Or Not It Needed To Spy On Everyone To Do So - http://bit.ly/11t6eqC

#snowden: "Americans’ communications are collected and viewed on a daily basis on the certification of an analyst rather than a warrant."

#snowden: " the analyst gets it. All of it. IPs, raw data, content, headers, attachments, everything. & it gets saved for a very long time"

#snowden: Net companies "legally compelled to comply and maintain their silence, but that does not comply them from ethical obligation"

The Economic Case for #NetNeutrality - http://bit.ly/13Uw1JM interesting analysis (v @Coadec)

#snowden: "filter is set at what is euphemistically referred to as the "widest allowable aperture," and can be stripped out at any time."

#snowden: "Suspicionless surveillance does not become okay simply because it's only victimizing 95% of the world instead of 100%" #EU

#snowden: "Our founders did not write that "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all US Persons are created equal."

Yuri Gagarin air crash details emerge - http://bbc.in/17gsdZS interesting (v @BoingBoing)#ru #space

#snowden: "if I were a Chinese spy, why wouldn't I have flown directly into Beijing? I could be living in a palace petting a phoenix by now"

Wikimedia Foundation says it hasn’t received any PRISM requests - http://tnw.co/16zChth er, why would they? it's an encyclopaedia

To What Extent Can Global IP Rules Be Responsive To Public Interest Demands? - http://bit.ly/12QLmzW they can't; bin them all

Demonstrating "a load of cock" to censorship-crazed UK MP Claire Perry - http://bit.ly/17gtJuS we need much more of this...

#snowden: "Encryption works. Properly implemented strong crypto systems are one of the few things that you can rely on." let's hope

#snowden: "Unfortunately, endpoint security is so terrifically weak that NSA can frequently find ways around it." oh, pity

Barroso on #TAFTA/#TTIP - http://bit.ly/15cUfOZ  "moving our regulatory regimes closer" = diluting #EU protection for food, health & safety

#snowden: "disclosure provides Obama an opportunity to appeal for a return to sanity, constitutional policy, & rule of law rather than men"

#snowden: "There can be no faith in government if our highest offices are excused from scrutiny - should be setting example of transparency"

SCOTUS rules in 5-3 opinion that pay-for-delay settlement agreements not immune from antitrust scrutiny - http://bit.ly/15cVMVe bit weak

EU Ombudsman: #EFSA fails on conflict of interests - http://bit.ly/15aH8QG big slapdown: now do something about it

#snowden: "Seeing someone in position of Clapper baldly lying to the public without repercussion is the evidence of a subverted democracy."

#snowden: "I have had no contact with the Chinese government. Just like with Guardian & Washington Post, I only work with journalists."

#snowden: "Unfortunately, the mainstream media now seems far more interested in what I said when I was 17 or what my girlfriend looks like"

#snowden: "...rather than, say, the largest program of suspicionless surveillance in human history." and on that note...

Europe and US launch plans for ambitious transatlantic trade deal - http://bit.ly/11tgjUp v weak and uncritical stuff from @guardian #tafta

Israeli trade minister Naftali Bennett dismisses two-state solution as 'hopeless' - http://bit.ly/14e57ND & who made it 'hopeless'? #israel

Whistleblowers and the economy of esteem - http://econ.st/1bO3ngu good to see this in @TheEconomist (v @timbray)#snowden

I fear the chilling effect of NSA surveillance on the open internet - http://bit.ly/16bY2yi no, damage is to Net companies, who deserve it

An International Perspective on FISA: No Protections, Little Oversight - http://bit.ly/ZYkt9q excellent & detailed

South Tyrol to adopt #freesoftware strategy - http://bit.ly/11tGYAE great news (v @ohnewein)#it

CISPA's Sponsors Can't Keep Their Story Straight: If Snowden's Leaks Are False, How Do They Harm America? - http://bit.ly/1bOukkm

BlackBerry says it remains confident in its security, following claim that UK spies accessed data from its servers - http://tnw.co/ZYobQo

Droning for #Rhinos - http://bit.ly/11k3fnK "to fight the war against poachers". great idea & worthy cause; needs lots of help... #drones

Snowden: NSA snoops on U.S. phone calls without warrants - http://cnet.co/14ezUK3 more weasel-words from NSA

Blowback from the NSA Surveillance - http://bit.ly/14eAkjy "affects the US's role in Internet governance"

Six Strikes “Copyright Alert” Warns Subscribers For Dangerous P2P Software - http://bit.ly/12RegA1 utter #FUD & drivel

The #Snowden Principle - http://bit.ly/ZYqDpY I can see this catching on...

Microsoft defends Xbox One’s $499 pricetag, claims it will deliver “thousands of dollars of value” to users - http://tnw.co/11KZOmJ ha-ha

Onion Pi - Convert a #RaspberryPi into a Anonymizing #Tor Proxy, for easy anonymous internet browsing - http://bit.ly/11tQ00x that's nice

Japanese  gov’t seeks industry lobbies’ opinions on #TPP - http://bit.ly/19e6KOs how about asking Japanese people - remember them?

EU cloud computing firms see silver lining in Prism scandal - http://reut.rs/13Vsn2v let's hope they actually do something (v @CasparBowden)

#Fracking Is Already Straining US Water Supplies - http://bit.ly/12RhKT3 people don't realise this is another adverse effect #externalities

Church of #Scientology Lands in Takedown Hall of Shame - http://bit.ly/11tTf8i surprised it took this long

MoD serves news outlets with D notice over surveillance leaks - http://bit.ly/17TT5OC 4 anyone who still doubts material (v @CasparBowden)

#Egypt's Mohamed Morsi appoints hardline Islamist to govern Luxor - http://bit.ly/16c7Acw sad: expect #tourism to be badly affected

Who’s scripting EU-US trade deal? - http://bit.ly/11HbrKe shameful lack of #transparency - again: what have they got to hide? #TAFTA/#TTIP

#TPP undermines health system - http://aje.me/13OHgoP good, detailed explanation why

Looking Deeper into MPAA's #Copyright Agenda - http://bit.ly/11kbxfB good points

Cameron promises biggest bilateral deal in history as #TAFTA/#TTIP talks open - http://bit.ly/17U5ouj naivety of reporting here is painful

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