Saturday, 26 May 2012


#Greece Stares Into Abyss; Meanwhile, Local Collecting Society Gets Court Order To Block Web Sites - yeah, important

Why your camera's GPS won't work in China (maybe) - bad precedent, I think

Interview with the Sage Mathematics Software Project - nice background to project #opensource #maths

The science of password guessing - "passwords will always be with us"

The porn filter that tried to block Telegraph Blogs - "Keep the Government out of my ADSL cable, please." #uk

hundreds of interviews with the relatives of victims of gulag labour camps - available online; fascinating stuff

Film company Gaumont says Hadopi eradicated illegal downloads of French films - ah, that famed Gallic humour...

#scholpub should be regulated - thoughtful stuff from @petermurrayrust#openaccess

China Telecom launches UK mobile service, reveals plans for other European markets - significant, I think

Early Day Motion calling on the Government to reform the UK's extradition arrangements - more names needed

Odd That Microsoft Demands Google Take Down Links That Remain In Bing - I wondered whether that might happen...

Social JukeBox - cool: "#Arduino-powered device to allow music sharing through tangible interaction" with #spotify

France and Spain back down on fish discards after internet campaign - fishy win; kudos to all concerned

After Facebook fails - thought-provoking stuff (v @jayrosen_nyu)#advertising

Hol Dir jetzt Dein #ACTA-Infopaket - if only everyone could be as organised as those clever Germans

#OpenAccess: The People’s Petition - great piece on the background The OA Petition -

TV Networks File Legal Claims Saying Skipping Commercials Is #CopyrightInfringement - these people are insane

Lobbywächter rügen Macht der Genfood-Industrie - bad stuff, but hardly a surprise #gm #lobbying

comedian stirs up italian politics - "Berlusconi is so dead he doesn't even wear his makeup anymore" (v @LifeinSicily)

Wikimedia Foundation endorses mandates for free access to publicly funded research - another great move #openaccess

The Ada Initiative Advisory Board Changes - "dedicated to supporting women in open technology and culture"; great

The Countdown to CCDP? - transparency, what's that?#surveillance #uk

Google sued in Brazil, lawyers answer with risotto recipe - idea: including recipes should be made compulsory

"Heavy-handed" #TPP tactics from US Trade Rep - further perspectives

Did Hollywood Not Use Available DMCA Tools Just To Pretend It Needed SOPA? - looks suspicious...

US Gov't Tells Developing Nations That Patents & High Prices Are Good For The Health Of Their Citizens - how kind #tpp

Activists in UK plan to trash crop experiment - good scientific background info to what's going on here #gm

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