Sunday, 25 August 2019


Moody’s Microblog Daily Digest yesterday’s tweets as a single page

Jair Bolsonaro claims ‘profound love’ for Amazon rainforest as criticism intensifies - important: shows he is vulnerable to pressure threatening trade deals like #mercosur #AmazonFires

“PHOIBLE is a repository of cross-linguistic phonological inventory data” - just look at that Kabardian insanity: #linguistics

G7 leaders to hold emergency talks over Amazon wildfires crisis - “Brazil had stopped being a villain and it is now going back to being a pariah. We must stop this insanity” #AmazonFires

What3words Is A Clever Way Of Communicating Position Very Simply, But Do We Really Want To Create A Monopoly For Location Look-ups? - nope

“Cross-Whitehall analysis published last year suggested a new trade deal with the US would be likely to add just 0.2% to GDP in the long term.” - “UK economy to lose 3.5 percent of GDP in no-deal Brexit” - #brexit #madness

Bolsonaro kündigt harte Strafen gegen Brandstifter an - I doubt it; significant he even says it. "Umweltschützer werfen Bolsonaro vor, ein politisches Klima geschaffen zu haben, in dem sich Bauern zu immer mehr Abholzung und Brandrodung ermutigt sehen. "

Brazilian protesters rail against Bolsonaro as Amazon fires rage on - this is great - well done, #brazil #AmazonFires

On the Irish border lanes of Fermanagh, the bad old days are returning - sadly many people will soon die violently as a direct result of #brexit

Evgeniy Nikolaychuk on Vesti.FM: languages ​​around the world are disappearing at an alarming pace -​​around-the-world-are-disappearing-at-an-alarming-pace.html indeeds, e.g. lots of caucasian languages need preserving…

“Johnson told reporters during a visit to Devon: “I’m afraid we will have to prepare to come out without an agreement… We are very confident that we will be OK because we will have all sorts of preparations in place.” - IOW #brexit deaths are on him.

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