Thursday, 20 June 2019


Moody’s Microblog Daily Digest yesterday’s tweets as a single page

Seawalls to protect US against rising oceans could cost $416bn by 2040 - just a tiny fraction of the costs of the #climatecrisis. we’re talking many trillions. but by all means, pretend it’s not happening…

US joins four rogue countries seen as likely forces for bad, poll finds - time the rest of the world took action against these rogue states, no…?

Trump aims to force open UK/EU markets to GMOs – within 120 days - the EU will tell him to get lost; the UK will just bend over. well done, #brexiters, you voted for this…

Thousands petition Netflix to cancel Amazon Prime’s Good Omens - not the sharpest knives in the drawer…

Ivanka Trump’s 2020 tweet violated Hatch Act, watchdog says - and absolutely nothing will happen as a result…

Facebook usage has collapsed since scandals, data shows - well, look at that…

A Jerusalem hospital where Palestinian babies die alone - what a heartbreaking symbol of #israel's unrelenting cruelty to children in #palestine

Antigua: sprawling ‘Chinese colony’ plan across marine reserve ignites opposition - chinese destroying other people’s environment for profit, yet again…

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