Monday, 13 May 2019


Moody’s Microblog Daily Digest yesterday’s tweets as a single page…

Poll surge for Farage sparks panic among Tories and Labour - shows utter folly of corbyn’s strategy: @uklabour losing both brexiters and those want to remain…

Octopus farming is ‘unethical and a threat to the food chain’ - this is like “farming” chimpanzees; our greed and cruelty knows no bounds

Thousands march in Cardiff calling for Welsh independence - “Demonstrators say Brexit and austerity have increased support for leaving the UK” can’t wait for welsh to become the official language there…

EU Quietly Ramps Up Preparations To Re-introduce Blanket Data Retention After Top Court Threw It Out In 2014 - prepare to fight for your privacy…

Protect solar system from mining ‘gold rush’, say scientists - “to ensure that humanity avoids a catastrophic future in which all of the resources within its reach are permanently used up.” good point, I missed that

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